Internet marketing


What is Internet Marketing or Online Marketing?

Before stating the strategic points in online marketing, it is good to examine its definition more closely. Online marketing or internet marketing is any tool, strategy and method that causes more introduction of business name and brand in online space. The key to online marketing is to use online tools to introduce your business and products to potential customers and encourage them to buy products.

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Internet Marketing

Internet marketing includes the following 7 main sub-categories:

1) SEO or search engine optimization

 SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and means search engine optimization. SEO is a set of measures to increase the quantity and quality of incoming website traffic through organic search engine search, which leads to an increase in site traffic. And as you know, the most famous search engine is Google.

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2) Search Engine Marketing or SEM

 Search engine marketing (SEM) is a type of internet marketing using paid advertising to promote websites by making them more visible on search engine pages. When you search for something, the websites you see in the middle of the page are the result of good SEO, which is in the category of free digital marketing strategies, and the websites you see at the top and bottom of the page are the result of SEO strategy. Search engine marketing is an effective and specific way to market your business. People search for what they want, and advertisers target search-related words, and you only have to pay advertisers if potential customers click on your ad link.

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3) Content marketing

 Content marketing is part of your marketing and business development strategy that focuses on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and integrated content, with the overall goal of attracting new audiences and retaining existing ones. Attracting the audience in this strategy is done by providing valuable content.

4) Social media marketing

Social media marketing (SMM) is one of the digital marketing methods. With the right marketing on these networks, you can attract a large audience and grow your business. Given the activity of a large part of the community on social platforms such as Telegram, Instagram, Twitter and… presence and marketing on social media, it will be useful for almost any business; But you have to keep in mind that SMM is not a direct sales channel and is just a tool to help sell more, it does not actually do sales directly and it takes time; Therefore, before using this method, you should review your goals and needs and then make a decision.

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Social media marketing

5) Click advertising or PPC

 Click per click advertising is a way in online advertising that you place your ad by the service provider of this type of ad on the site or application and you pay for the click and attention of users to your ad and product.

6) Email marketing

 Email marketing is a form of direct marketing and is an essential tool for marketing in business. In simple terms, email marketing is sending an email to a group of people to introduce or promote a service or product. But a better definition of email marketing is to create more and deeper relationships with customers and leads by sending emails.

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Email marketing

The difference between online or internet marketing and digital marketing

 Digital marketing means using digital tools and platforms (online and offline) to produce and convey marketing messages. In other words, in digital marketing, you do not have to use the Internet. So digital marketing is a more general term and internet marketing is a sub-branch of digital marketing.

Advantages and disadvantages of online marketing


• Low risk

• Low costs

• Ability to get quick results from work; Both for the marketer and the user

• Ability to measure and collect data

• Availability of interaction conditions

• Possibility of personalization

• Easy to see

• Unlimited global access


• Dependence on technology

• Security and privacy issues

• Maintenance costs due to the constant evolution of work tools

• The need for transparency in pricing and increased price competition

• Existence of global competition












